PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic) education delivered to all students studying at Woodpecker Court. It is delivered explicitly in sessions once a week and also implicitly across the curriculum due to the nature of the courses we offer and our style of bespoke delivery.
The aims of personal, social, health and economic (PSHEE) education in our school are to:
Develop Woodpecker Court students in a holistic and experiential way, creating learners who are equipped to become reflective, independent, lifelong learners who are ready for the workplace and adult life. This goal underpins our entire curriculum and is further developed in our Curriculum Intent statement and our Ethos
Further to this Woodpecker Court aims to
To deliver statutory requirements in line with government guidance.
To support the personal growth, development and mental wellbeing of each student.
To support the economic and social development of each student.
How Will We Teach It
PSHE is taught as a discreet subject one a week to all provision students.
Each morning and afternoon as a part of our daily student briefing sessions
Through our Passport mentoring groups (weekly), English and Maths for the World lessons (Weekly) and throughout each day in the way in which we deliver all subjects as a part of our experiential, outdoor curriculum.
All Tutors are available to deliver PSHEE in discreet sessions and all Tutors are expected to deliver this curriculum implicitly and explicitly in every session.
Curriculum materials are developed to ensure that students of all abilities can access PSHEE and are encouraged to reflect at their own level, on the implications and responsibilities they have for their own wellbeing and the wellbeing of others.
Planning for PSHEE is achieved collaboratively by the tutor team and during Teaching and Learning meetings and daily staff briefings, controversial topics or difficult questions from pupils are raised, to gather a consensus approach; ensuring teachers don’t let their personal beliefs and attitudes influence teaching.
This also allows Tutors to raise any personal doubts or concerns over their ability to teach a topic or session and allows senior staff to reallocate resources should this be necessary.
Resources are made in house and bespoke to our student need and unique environment.
Soft outcome data on student progress is collated termly (through Tutor assessed grading).
Student progress is reported to parents at parents’ evenings and raised with students as a part of their ongoing self-tracking of progress during passport mentoring time​​