NCFE Entry Level 3 and Level 1 Digital Functional Skills
The purpose of this qualification is to allow learners to demonstrate an understanding of, and competency in, the digital functional skills they need in real life. It will enable learners to engage with digital services and products in everyday life.
How will I learn?
The aim of the course is to build the confidence to use information technology in a safe and efficient way, supporting studies across the curriculum and preparing the students to use information technology in the workplace as they move forward in life.
This course is classroom based but had many applications for students across the entire curriculum. Students will practice their skills across the following units of study:
Unit 1: Using devices and handling information
Unit 2: Creating and editing
Unit 3: Communicating
Unit 4: Transacting
Unit 5: Being safe and responsible online
Method Of Assessment
Each student is required to undertake each section of the external assessment.
The 1 hour 30 minutes is as follows:
Section 1: MCQ/SAQ paper (20 minutes)
Section 2 : Two practical tasks (1 hour 10 minutes)
The 1 hour 45 minutes is split as follows:
Section 1: MCQ/SAQ paper (20 minutes)
Section 2: Two practical tasks (1 hour 25 minutes)
Next Steps
This course will develop student confidence in the use of information technology which will support further education and future careers that require digital skills.